University of Portland Bulletin 2013-2014

Consumer Information Reports

As required by federal consumer information regulations, the University of Portland provides a variety of information to the campus community and prospective students. Detailed information and links to this consumer information is available on the University of Portland website at

University of Portland financial aid information: The University of Portland provides information regarding the cost of attendance, how to apply for financial aid, available types of financial assistance, as well as the rights and responsibilities of financial aid recipients at the Office of Financial Aid's website ( and within the Financial Aid Handbook at

The University of Portland’s academic program and regulations: The University Bulletin contains information regarding the University of Portland’s degree programs, academic regulations, faculty, and facilities. Printed copies of the University Bulletin are available upon request from the Office of Admissions.

The University of Portland student characteristics and outcomes: Information about study body diversity, graduation rates for the general student body (broken down by race, gender, and financial aid status), graduation rates for students receiving athletically related student aid (broken down by race and gender within each sport), and retention rates for first-time, full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students at the University of Portland is available upon request from the Office of Institutional Research. The Office of Institutional Research also can provide information about the types of graduate and professional education pursued by graduates of the University of Portland. The Office of Career Services can provide information about the placement and types of employment obtained by graduates.

The University of Portland’s current Public Safety Report: The Public Safety Report includes the Campus Crime Report, Fire Safety Report, and Drug and Alcohol Policies. The Campus Crime Report includes statistics concerning crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University of Portland; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to, an accessible entry from the campus. The Fire Safety Report includes information about University of Portland’s campus fire safety policies and standards. The Drug and Alcohol Policy provides information on the University of Portland’s policy concerning drug and alcohol use as well as information on other security related issues. This report is published online annually with an e-mail including a link sent to each enrolled student, staff, and faculty member and is available, upon request, to any interested party from the Department of Public Safety.

The University of Portland’s Equity in Athletics (EADA) report: This report contains participation rates, financial support, and other information regarding men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletic programs. The report is available on the U.S. Department of Education website at under the University of Portland listing.

The University of Portland’s vaccine requirements: The University Health Center can provide information about vaccinations required for all University of Portland students. The School of Nursing can provide information about additional vaccinations required for all nursing students.

The University of Portland’s copyright infringement policy: Information about the University of Portland’s policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement, including civil and criminal penalties for distributing copyrighted material (including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing and the prohibited use of the institution’s information technology system for those activities) is available from the Office of Information Services.

The University of Portland’s Gainful Employment Information is available on the University’s website at the end of each associated program.