University of Portland Bulletin 2014-2015

Per Semester Fees

Undergraduate — per semester/12 hours or more *



Undergraduate — per semester hour/11 hours or fewer



Graduate -  Communications, Engineering and Nursing per credit hour


Doctor of Education - per credit hour     $685.00
Educational Specialist - per credit hour     $685.00
Master of Business Administration - per credit hour       $1,120.00 
Master of Arts in Teaching Program - per credit hour          $803.00
Master of Education Program - per credit hour      $535.00

Master of Arts - Education - per credit hour 



Master of Fine Arts - per credit hour


Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry Program - per credit hour      $535.00
Education Post Master Specialty - per credit hour      $535.00

Auditor — 50% of tuition, 100% of course fees



Business, Computer Science, Economics, Education ‡, Engineering, Nursing courses per credit hour fee



*For foreign programs contact program director.


‡Graduate Education programs are exempt from professional fees unless noted under course descriptions.


A student who holds a degree from an accredited college or university is considered to be a graduate student for fee purposes.