University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2021



The Clark Library stands at the center of intellectual life at the University of Portland, fostering connections and knowledge creation to help students and faculty excel in research, scholarship, and creative expression. Through extensive collections, investments in tools for innovation and technology, and dedicated faculty and staff, the Library supports students wherever they are located.



Phone:    503-943-7111




Summer Semester Hours

The library building will be open limited hours during Summer 2021 but we have resources available 24/7 online!  Visit the library website to see current building hours. 

Collections: The Library provides access to a wealth of information, and the database tools for finding it. Collections include books, eBooks, CDs, DVDS, journals, eJournals, streaming videos, and more. Resources at other libraries can be easily requested using UP Library Search with timely delivery to the Library and/or email accounts.


Course Reserves: Many professors use the Library’s course reserves service to make class materials available to students.


Digital Lab: The Library’s Digital Lab coordinator is available for remote consultations on audio, video, photography, and design research projects.


Research Support: Librarians are available for individual online consultations and to meet with classes to provide library instruction. Online subject and course guides and a chat service for 24-hour research assistance are also available.