Bulletin 2013-2014
Bulletin 2013-2014 (2013-2014)
Up one level
DRM - Drama
In this section
DRM 307 Survey of Theatre History
DRM 310 Modern Production Theory
DRM 321 Acting Workshop I
DRM 322 Acting Workshop II
DRM 325 Acting for Non-Majors
DRM 333 Directing for Theatre
DRM 335 Voice for Stage
DRM 337 Stage Combat/Movement-for the Actor
DRM 343 Drama and Children
DRM 350 Theatre Crafts
DRM 351 Beginning Stage Lighting and Sound Design
DRM 353 Beginning Scenic Design
DRM 363 Beginning Costume Design
DRM 365 Stage Makeup
DRM 372 Production Practicum II
DRM 373 Management Practicum II
Up one level
DRM - Drama
In this section
DRM 307 Survey of Theatre History
DRM 310 Modern Production Theory
DRM 321 Acting Workshop I
DRM 322 Acting Workshop II
DRM 325 Acting for Non-Majors
DRM 333 Directing for Theatre
DRM 335 Voice for Stage
DRM 337 Stage Combat/Movement-for the Actor
DRM 343 Drama and Children
DRM 350 Theatre Crafts
DRM 351 Beginning Stage Lighting and Sound Design
DRM 353 Beginning Scenic Design
DRM 363 Beginning Costume Design
DRM 365 Stage Makeup
DRM 372 Production Practicum II
DRM 373 Management Practicum II