University of Portland Bulletin 2013-2014

Psychology, B.A.

University Requirements - 39 hours

See Core Curriculum

College Requirements - 21-33 hours

See College Requirements BA

Degree Requirements

Psychology Major Requirements — 30 hours .

PSY 214/SOC 214/SW 214Research Methods: Design


PSY 215/SOC 215Research Methods: Analysis


PSY 498Senior Seminar



PSY 499Senior Thesis


21 credits - Upper-division psychology electives, including 6 credits from group 1: PSY 310, 320, 330, 340; and 6 credits from group 2: PSY 350, 360, PSY 370, 380

Students must take PSY 101 as one of their core social science courses. A maximum of six non-classroom hours may be used for completion of the major.

General Electives — 18-30 hours

Total Credit Hours: 120

Total Credit Hours: 120