Bulletin 2013-2014
Bulletin 2013-2014 (2013-2014)
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University Academic Regulations
II. Course Registration
The dates for registration of students in both semesters and summer session are set forth in the University calendar contained in this
Providing the general requirements for admission to the University are met, the dean of each college or school of the University has the sole right to admit and register students in his or her college or school.
Students will not receive credit for any class for which they are not properly registered. Students who register for a class, fail to attend, and fail to withdraw properly will be assigned a grade of F for the course.
No one may register for any course after the latest date for registration. Students may change courses (drop/add) with the permission of the dean of the college or school involved during the first week at the beginning of the semester.
Students may not register for more than 18 semester hours of credit (twelve semester hours in the summer session), without the consent of their dean.
The University reserves the right to cancel courses for which there is not sufficient registration, to close enrollment in courses which are filled, and to modify course offerings when necessary. Every effort will be made to announce such changes promptly.
The dates for closing the late registration and the latest date for dropping or adding of classes are listed in the University calendar.
Registration is not complete until a student has been cleared by the Office of Student Accounts (by payment of all tuition and fees by the tuition due date.) The University reserves the right to cancel the registration of any student who has not been cleared once the semester has begun.
Advanced undergraduate students may enroll in a graduate course for either undergraduate credit or reservation for possible graduate credit. The written approval of the department chair, dean, and graduate program director is required.
Certain departments/schools offer courses which represent guided inquiry by special arrangement with faculty members, or which carry varying amounts of credit based upon the level of work being submitted. These directed study or variable credit courses require the written approval of the instructor and dean of the school in which the course is offered.
Students who register for classes but decide not to attend them must cancel their registration in writing at the Office of the Registrar by the last day for registration. If classes have begun, students must follow the withdrawal procedure.
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University Academic Regulations