University of Portland Bulletin 2014-2015

Minor in Economics

An economy is a system that produces output and distributes it among members of a society. Economics studies show how that system functions and how it can be improved. For a student majoring in another social science, the study of economics is a way to broaden their analysis of society. For a student majoring in business, the study of economics will expand their understanding of the business environment.

Minor Requirements

The minor in economics is open to students both inside and outside the Pamplin School of Business. It requires completing two lower-division and five upper-division elective courses, listed below. Only one upper-division economics course can be cross-counted in both the minor and another major.

Minor Requirements

Prerequisites — 6 hours

ECN 120Principles of Macroeconomics


ECN 121Principles of Microeconomics


Required Courses — 15 hours

Five of the following (one of the first two is required):

ECN 319Intermediate Microeconomics


ECN 320Intermediate Macroeconomics


Any ECN 3xx or 4xx class



BUS 431Financial Markets and Institutions