University of Portland Bulletin 2015-2016

Theology, M.A.P.M.

This is a professional graduate program designed to provide pastoral ministers, both lay ecclesial ministers and deacon aspirants, with sound theological foundations, basic ministerial skills, and resources for ministry. In addition, this program serves as a resource for other laity and for religious who are or will be involved in professional pastoral ministry. Students have an opportunity to develop personal spirituality and a professional ministerial network. Student groups form cohorts that learn together in the three year program. The program includes a practicum/internship.

Learning Outcomes

The curriculum for the M.A.P.M. program is designed to provide the following learning goals and outcomes. Upon graduation, students will be able to:

  1. Examine faith, its place in one’s own life and in the lives of others.
  2. Integrate theological and ministerial knowledge and skills in the context of the everyday experience of ministry.
  3. Understand and appreciate the Catholic connection of faith and justice in a local and global context.
  4. Demonstrate the capacity to write and speak appropriately by: (a) speaking publically with ease and clarity, and (b) producing written work adapted to specific audiences.
  5. Identify and use appropriate theological resources within a ministerial setting.

Degree Requirements

Requirements — 39 hours

Introductory Courses


Theological Foundations


Pastoral Skills


Ministerial Resources




Introductory Courses: Studies in Old and New Testament, Studies in Theology

Theological Foundations: Christology, Contemporary Ecclesiology, Theological Ethics, Theology of Ministry, Sacramental and Liturgical Theology

Pastoral Skills: Pastoral Care, Faith Formation

Ministerial Resources: Theological Exploration of the Gospels, Church History, Christian Spirituality

The practicum should be closely related to a student’s field of concentration and goals. Its design is the responsibility of the student with the assistance of an advisor or designated faculty member. The advisor must approve all placements and supervision. The student and on-site supervisor are to submit a full report and evaluation to the advisor.