University of Portland Bulletin 2015-2016

Virtual Computing Environment

Information services maintains a state of the art virtualized data center and virtual desktop computing environment that is available to all staff, faculty, and students. Virtual computing is a sustainable technology that provides significant energy savings over traditional physical hardware. The virtual computing environment is accessible from any device using the VMWare View software or via an internet browser by visiting and signing in with your network credentials. VMWare view software is free and can be downloaded to any desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone via the internet or via the appropriate app store. Through the VMWare view software or the interface, staff and faculty can access the staff kiosk virtual desktop and their personal dedicated virtual desktop. Likewise, all students can access the student kiosk and engineering students can access the engineering kiosk. For help configuring VMWare view contact the help desk in Franz Hall 112 (503.943.7000 or