University of Portland Bulletin 2020-2021


René Horcicka, Ph.D., director in residence

Faculty: E. Aussermair, J. Aussermair, Feldner, Hieke, Horcicka, Leitner, Nadel, Wieler

Students can enhance their education at the University of Portland by participating in the University’s oldest studies abroad program, which is located in Salzburg, Austria. Since 1964, the Salzburg Program, an academic year of studies in the humanities, has provided an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a different culture, travel to all corners of Europe, and experience personal growth as a member of the University community in Salzburg.

On the fall tour, students examine firsthand the art, religion, and history of France, and Germany. The spring tour takes students to the culture treasures in Greece and Italy. A three-week break between semesters and three-day weekends allow for independent travel throughout Austria and other parts of Europe.  Salzburg lies within a day's train trip to Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Zurich, Rome, Budapest, Prague, and many places in between.

At the University of Portland Center in Salzburg, students enroll in courses taught in English by an Austrian faculty. A German language course is also required in order to enhance each student’s ability to communicate with Austrian and German people. Another important aspect is the community living situation at the University of Portland Center. All students are actively involved in the various academic, cultural, social, and spiritual aspects of the program.

The full-year Salzburg Program is open to all students, semester-only options are available for students in majors such as nursing and engineering normally for their sophomore year. The University also offers two summer sessions in Salzburg, including courses in communication, engineering, history, literature, mathematics, science, philosophy, political science, psychology, and theology.