University of Portland Bulletin 2020-2021


Bradley Franco, Ph.D., chair

Faculty: Els, Franco, Hancock, Losavio, Moentmann, Wheeler, Woodard

The history program offers all the University’s undergraduates the opportunity to acquire a working familiarity with the histories of Europe, the United States, Latin America, and other areas of the world, together with the institutions and structures of organized society. Its major curriculum is designed to inculcate a knowledge of particular periods and issues in the past, an understanding of the discipline of history, and the ability to use historical inquiry for analysis of contemporary self and society. History graduates enter such diverse careers as lawyers, professors, teachers, archivists, librarians, foreign service officers, public administrators, and investment bankers.

Beyond the history major, the program meets such goals as are part of both the University core as well as the upper-division electives for bachelor of arts majors. Furthermore, the program includes courses which provide vital knowledge for students in other programs, including secondary education, gender and women's studiees, political science, international languages and cultures, theology, ROTC, social justice, Catholic studies, environmental studies, overseas studies, and the Moreau Center.

Learning Outcomes for History Majors

History graduates of the University of Portland should be able to:

  1. Construct historical arguments based on primary sources and the historical method in writing.
  2. Analyze primary sources in their historical context in writing.
    1. Identify and gather appropriate primary sources.
    2. Demonstrate awareness of connections between sources and their historical context.
  3. Analyze secondary sources and identify various approaches to historical interpretation through critical reading and writing.
    1. Demonstrate the ability to read a secondary source to understand an author’s basic argument.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to explain an author’s approach to a topic and its connection to primary sources used.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to conduct independent historical research in writing.
    1. Identify a thesis topic.
    2. Identify, collect, and analyze historiography on the topic.
    3. Identify, collect, and analyze primary sources on the topic (using library, archival, and other appropriate material).
    4. Develop topic into a viable historical argument.
    5. Based on sources identified, write original interpretation of chosen historical research.
    6. Present results of research in both oral and written form.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to present historical arguments based upon independent research orally in a public presentation.

Capstone Experience

Each history major completes a senior thesis as their capstone experience. In preparing a thesis, students become historians themselves by conducting primary source research on a historical topic of their choice. Through this process, students demonstrate their mastery of a specific time period or event in history, independent research skills, the critical reading of both primary and secondary sources, and the ability to construct and publicly present a historical argument based on primary source evidence. Several of the most outstanding theses are chosen each year to be published in the department’s student history journal, Northwest Passages.