University of Portland Bulletin 2020-2021

Sociology, B.A.

University Requirements - 39 credit hours

See Core Curriculum

One core social science requirement is satisfied by SOC 101 in the major.

College Requirements - 21-33 credit hours

See College Requirements BA

Major Requirements — 36 credit hours

SOC 101Introduction to Sociology


SOC 214/PSY 214/SW 214Research Methods: Design


SOC 215/PSY 215Research Methods: Analysis


SOC 336Race and Racism in the United States


SOC 380Sociological Theory


SOC 498Senior Project


Students may substitute SOC 499 (Thesis) for SOC 498, Senior Project Seminar. This option requires the student to secure faculty approval of the thesis proposal before the student begins their final year of study.

Upper-division hours of sociology electives - 18 credits

At least 6 of the 18 upper-division elective credit hours must be taken from SOC 430-439, or 491-492. A maximum of 6 non-classroom credit hours (e.g., internships or independent study) may be applied toward the completion of the major.

Any additional credit hours required to complete a minimum of 120 credit hours

Total Credit Hours: 120