University of Portland Bulletin 2022-2023

Information Services Division

The University of Portland manages information technology to support an integrated, open, collaborative environment. The Information Services Division pursues this vision by providing a technological environment that supports the access, analysis, and management of information benefiting all University constituencies. Information services provides high performing, reliable, secure, and integrated technology to students, faculty, and staff with the aim to facilitate the University’s mission of teaching, learning, and service. The personnel who provide these services are dedicated professionals ready to meet constituents’ needs. University community members are encouraged to take the time to consult with them with questions, problems, or needs which relate to the use and application of information technology.

More information about Information Services can be found online at, at the specific websites linked below, or by contacting the Technology Help Desk at or (503) 943-7000.


Student Technology Checklist

Technology Help Desk

Audio Visual Services

Accessible Technology

Technology Training

Classroom Technology

Computer Labs and Kiosks

Tech Support Portal

Wireless Network

Single Sign On

Email and Calendaring

Password Management


Mobile App

IS Communications


Office365 for Education

Web Services



Voice Services



Virtual Computing


WiFi Calling
