The bachelor of arts in education degree leads to recommendation for an Oregon P-12 "multiple subjects" (elementary) preliminary license. Additional endorsements may also be completed with additional credit hours of study. General degree outcomes are listed below. Candidates for the degree will be able to meet the following Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission standards:
To qualify for the degree and recommendation for Oregon licensure, the following requirements must be met:
University Core Curriculum Requirements — 40 credit hours
All University of Portland students progress through a set of shared course options as part of the University’s liberal arts Core Curriculum. This curriculum offers a foundation of multiple lenses to address enduring questions of human concern, integrating the liberal arts, the University mission, and the knowledge, skills, and values needed in a diverse society and in the workplace.
See Core Curriculum Requirements
The core requirement for the Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion & the Common Good Habit is satisfied by HST 210 or HST 211 within the major.
The core requirement for the Global and Historical Consciousness Habit is satisfied by the global history course within the major.
Two of the three core requirements for the Scientific and Quantitative Literacy and Problem Solving Habit are satisfied by the mathematics and science requirements within the major.
ED 320 and ED 400 are the designated Writing in the Discipline courses for the B.A. in Elementary Education.
Common Education Requirements — 24-25 credit hours
ENG 107 | College Writing | 3 |
ENV 110 | Earth Systems Science | 3 |
HST 210 | Who is America: The Early U.S. | 3 |
| Or | |
HST 211 | Who is America: The Modern U.S. | 3 |
MTH 105 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I | 3 |
MTH 106 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II | 3 |
PHY 109 | Powerful Ideas in Physical Science | 3 |
Select one mathematics course from the following:
Select one global history course from the following:
Other HST courses designated HTS 25x or HST 291 may fulfill this global history requirement. Please confirm eligible course offerings with a program counselor.
Major Requirements — 54 credit hours
ED 150 | Introduction to Education | 3 |
ED 250 | Theories of Child Development in Educational Contexts | 3 |
ED 320 | Sociocultural Foundations of Education | 3 |
ED 330 | Inclusive Policies and Practices for Diverse Learners | 3 |
ED 340 | Health and Wellness for Educators | 3 |
ED 400 | Curriculum and Instruction for the Elementary Classroom | 3 |
ED 411 | Assessment Practices for Teaching and Learning | 3 |
ED 414 | Children's and Adolescent Literature and Library | 3 |
ED 424 | Technology in Education | 3 |
ED 426 | Elementary Classroom Relationships and Management | 3 |
ED 442 | Reading and Language Arts Methods | 3 |
ED 445 | Mathematics and Science Methods | 3 |
ED 447 | Fostering Creativity in the Classroom | 3 |
ED 470 | Multiple Subjects (Elementary) Student Teaching | 3 |
ED 472 | Multiple Subjects (Elementary) Student Teaching | 3 |
ED 476 | Multiple Subjects (Elementary) Student Teaching: Advanced | 3 |
ED 481 | Language, Literacy & Culture | 3 |
ED 487 | Multiple Subjects (Elementary) Seminar for Student Teachers | 3 |
General Electives — 13-14 credit hours
A minimum of 13-14 additional general elective credit hours are required to reach the minimum 120 credit hours required for the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education degree.