University of Portland Bulletin 2023-2024

Study Abroad

There are many opportunities for students at the University of Portland to study abroad. The University provides an academic-year program in Salzburg, Austria, fall and spring semester programs in Fremantle, Australia, or a spring semester in Galway, Ireland. There are also summer-study programs in Salzburg, London, Tokyo, and Quito. The University is also a member of the Independent Liberal Arts Colleges Abroad (ILACA) consortium, which offers a fall or spring semester Spanish language immersion program in Granada, Spain. In partnership with the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES Abroad), the University offers students a variety of options abroad, including a one-semester program in Nantes, France, for students interested in advanced studies in the French language. Business internships are also available at a variety of sites through IES Abroad.

For information concerning these programs, visit the Study Abroad website at or contact the Office of Study Abroad, University of Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, Oregon, 97203-5798. Telephone (503) 943-7857.