University of Portland Bulletin 2024-2025

Programs of Study

The School of Business and the Graduate School offer the following degrees and programs:

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting

Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analytics

Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics

Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing

Bachelor of Business Administration in Operations and Technology Management

Bachelor of Business Administration in Supply Chain Analytics

Master of Business Administration in Nonprofit Management (see Graduate School)

Master of Business Administration (see Graduate School)

Master of Science in Finance (see Graduate School)

Master of Science in Operations and Technology Management (see Graduate School)

Additional and Specialized Programs

Minor in Business Administration

Minor in Economics

Minor in Entrepreneurship

Minor in Global Business

Minor in Sports Business

Minor in Sustainability

Entrepreneur Scholars Program

Dual B.B.A./M.B.A. Program for Accounting

Post Graduate Business Certificate Program (see  Graduate School)

Post-Baccalaureate Business Certificate Program (see Graduate School)

School of Business Undergraduate Degree Requirements

The undergraduate program in the Pamplin School of Business includes eight majors leading to a B.B.A. degree. The B.B.A. majors include accounting, business analytics, economics, finance, management information systems, marketing, operations and technology management, and supply chain analytics. The B.B.A. includes a general education component based on the UP Core. This is followed by other foundation and major courses depending upon the specific major. Minors are offered in business administration, economics, entrepreneurship, global business sports business, and sustainability.

Double Majors

Students who want to major in two areas of business must complete the majority of these programs through separate electives. Only two upper-division major requirements or major electives may be cross counted for double majors.

School of Business Undergraduate Learning Goals and Outcomes

Graduates of the Pamplin School of Business will achieve the follow goals and outcomes:

  1. Students will have business knowledge:
    1. Students will demonstrate a foundational core of business knowledge.
  2. Students will be effective communicators:
    1. Students will demonstrate effective oral communication.
    2. Students will demonstrate effective written communication.
  3. Students will be problem solvers:
    1. Students will identify solutions to complex business problems.
  4. Students will be ethically responsible:
    1. Students will examine ethical choices in business settings.
  5. Students will have global acumen:
    1. Students will summarize the complexities of cultures.
    2. Students will meaningfully interact with people of diverse cultural backgrounds.

Pamplin Professional Preparation Program (P4)

Students in the Pamplin School of Business are required to engage in a series of career exploration, professional development, and job readiness activities. These include two courses, Professional Development (BUS 202) and Internship Preparation (BUS 302); experiential activities with employers and alumni; and a professional internship for credit, BUS 397. The course content includes exploration of strengths, career interests, and development of the student’s professional toolkit, including professional introduction, cover letter/resume, LinkedIn profile, and interview preparation. Students will also learn how to build a professional network, dress professionally, manage professional communications, use AI tools effectively in the job search, and other related career readiness topics.

Global Acumen Program

Students in the Pamplin School of Business will participate in coursework and experiential activities to foster the development of their global acumen to enable them to contribute to inter-culturally complex communities and succeed in international and multicultural work environments. The components of the Global Acumen Program will include (1) BUS 360: Cross Cultural Organizational Behavior and Ethics; (2) a meaningful international experience (“MIE”); and (3) an upper division (300 or 400 level) course with an international focus. An MIE may include a study abroad experience, an international internship, a non-traditional international academic experience, or other opportunities that include a robust international academic component. All MIEs must be approved by the PSOB dean’s office.

Honors Pledge

The faculty of the Pamplin School of Business encourage students to acknowledge the ethical component of teaching and learning that is an essential factor in fulfilling the University’s mission in the classroom. Students are asked to reflect upon the core value of academic integrity and make this an integral part of their work at the University. Students are also asked to sign an honors pledge and attach it to submitted course work to affirm the integrity of their scholarship to all concerned.

Business Requirements for B.B.A. degrees — 53-59 credit hours

In addition to the UP Core requirements, students in the eight B.B.A. majors take similar non-business and business courses. The non-business courses taken in the College of Arts and Sciences assist in developing essential skills in speaking, writing, and mathematics.

The business foundation is composed of lower and upper division courses taken by all B.B.A. majors. Lower division courses are sequenced to provide students foundational skills in leadership, software, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, operations and technology management, as well as broader perspectives on the legal and social responsibilities of business. Upper-division foundation courses further develop business skills in decision modeling and analytics, cross-cultural organizational behavior and ethics, and innovation. 

Degree Requirements

Before declaring a focused major within business and taking upper-division major courses, students will be enrolled as BBA: Business Administration, and must complete the following:

  1. Mathematics requirements for all majors: Statistics (MTH 161), Math for Business and Analytics I (BUS 104), and Math for Business and Analytics II (BUS 204), with a minimum grade of C- in each course.
    1. Some approved higher level mathematics courses can be substituted for these courses.
    2. All students must enroll in a mathematics course every semester until the mathematics requirements are completed.
  2. Additional mathematics requirement for Business analytics, economics, finance, management information systems, operations and technology management, and supply chain analytics majors: Calculus (MTH 121) and Math for Business and Analytics III (BUS 304), with a minimum grade of C- in each course.
  3. All of the lower-division business foundation courses (BUS 100, BUS 101, ECN 120, ECN 121, BUS 200, BUS 205, BUS 209, BUS 210, BUS 250 & BUS 255) with a minimum combined GPA of 2.0.
  4. Introduction to Leadership Skills (BUS 100) must be completed in the student’s first two semesters in the program. Students who transfer into the program after their first year in college are also required to complete this course unless they have completed 60 or more college semester credit hours at the time of their admission into the program.

To qualify for the degree, students must complete the following:

  1. A minimum of 120 semester credit hours.
  2. All coursework with a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0.
  3. All required major coursework with a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0.
  4. All components of the Pamplin Professional Preparation Program (P4).
  5. All components of the Global Acumen Program.