University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2022

Summer on Campus

We welcome you to life at the University during these special months. It is our intent to provide comfortable and affordable housing to effectively facilitate your studies. Another goal is to promote a sense of community as various groups of students come to live together while taking disparate course work. This sense of community can be best initiated and maintained when you are aware of and adhere to the rights and responsibilities of students as outlined in the Student Handbook. Please observe the rules and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook and Life on the Bluff, which are available to all students living in the residence halls this summer. We ask that special attention be given to the no-smoking policy in the residence halls and to the University Regulations and State of Oregon laws (listed in the Student Handbook) regarding the use of alcohol. Briefly, alcoholic beverages are not to be used outside of the resident rooms. No alcohol is permitted in lounges, hallways, restrooms, etc. As well, there should not be abusive drinking nor public intoxication in the hall at any time. All members of the University community — faculty, staff and students — must comply with these regulations and laws.