University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2025

Academic Regulations

Credit Load

You may take a maximum of six semester credit hours during each summer session, with a total of twelve semester hours over the entire summer. If you wish to take more than twelve credit hours, you need to obtain your dean’s written approval for an overload.
Current enrollment status is based on the number of registered semester credit hours. Undergraduate full-time enrollment is 12 semester credit hours (6 in summer). Graduate full-time enrollment is 9 semester credit hours (5 in summer).


Auditors are students who wish to attend classes but who do not desire credit. Auditors are not required to do any of the work assigned in the course and may not take examinations. Classes that are audited are not eligible for credit by examination. No changes to or from auditor status are permitted after the last day to register for the class. Courses taken for audit are entered on your permanent record. Participation of the course is indicated on your transcript by the symbol AD. For audit fee information, please refer to the Tuition and Fee schedule of this bulletin.

Pass/No Pass Registration

You may register in a course for a pass/no pass grade, providing your registration is completed according to the dates listed in the Summer Session Calendar. Courses that are required by the University core, college curriculum, or departmental program may not be taken pass/no pass. To fulfill the remaining credit hours needed for graduation, you may take three courses pass/no pass. Pass/no pass forms are available on the Office of the Registrar's PilotsUP site and require the approval of both your dean and your advisor. Certain courses, due to their content and scope, are graded only on the pass/no pass basis and are not subject to these regulations. Courses attempted under the pass/no pass system and completed successfully carry academic credit; unsuccessful performances carry no credit but are listed on your transcript. However, neither result is included in the computation of your grade point average. One change in registration from regular status to pass/no pass or vice-versa is allowed in a course.

Adding/Dropping/ Withdrawing from Courses

You may drop or add a class from your schedule any time up to the end of the day of the 100% refund period. After that date you may withdraw from a course, without academic penalty (receiving a “W”), up to the dates listed in the Summer Session Calendar. Evening courses may be dropped during regular working hours. To drop, add, or withdraw, please contact the program counselor in your school. Your drop, add, or withdrawal is effective on the date your properly completed form is submitted to the Office of the Registrar. An “F” is entered on your transcript for any course in which you cease attendance without formally withdrawing. Conversely, if you attend a course without properly registering for it, you will not receive any academic credit for the course.
For summer semester, financial aid awards will be locked at the enrollment level determined by combining credits from all summer sessions at the end of the 4th day of the first six-week session for undergraduate students, May 15, 2025, or the 4th day of the second six- week session for graduate students, June 26, 2025. All students are expected to complete the enrollment level for which their financial aid is disbursed.


A graduate student who is completing work toward a master’s degree and who carries an “IP” grade for a thesis course from a previous term must register for a zero-credit hour course, Thesis-In-Progress, and pay all fees.

Grades and Transcripts

The grades and points of the University of Portland system are as follows:

A = 4.0 B- = 2.7 D+ = 1.3
A- = 3.7 C+ = 2.3 D = 1.0
B+ = 3.3 C = 2.0 D- = .7
B = 3.0 C- = 1.7 F = 0

In addition, the following symbols are used on grading records:

AD = Audit; I = Incomplete; IP = In Progress (given only for Thesis 599 and other approved courses); NG = No Grade Submitted; NP = No Pass; P = Pass; W= Withdraw (with permission)

Grades are processed at the close of the Summer Session (August 6) and will be available online on August 7. According to federal law, grades are restricted information.

If you have any unpaid account balances or obligations such as tuition, library or parking fines, loans, etc., the University will place a “hold” on grades until such accounts are cleared. Grades will not be released or redirected over the telephone.

Please see the Registrar's website for instructions on requesting official transcripts. The request should allow for a minimum 2-3 day processing period and 7-14 days for a paper transcript.

Summer Degree Completion

If you are completing degree requirements during the Summer Session you need to file an application for graduation with the Office of the Registrar no later than Friday, February 2, 2025. It is your responsibility to complete all requirements for a degree by the specified deadline.

Additional Academic Regulations

Please refer to the Academic Year University Bulletin for degree requirements and other academic regulations.