University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2025

Facilities and Services

We welcome you to life at the University during the summer months. It is our intent to provide comfortable and affordable housing to effectively facilitate your studies. Another goal is to promote a sense of community as various groups of students come to live together while taking disparate course work. This sense of community can be best initiated and maintained when you are aware of and adhere to the rights and responsibilities of students as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Campus Ministry

The Chapel of Christ the Teacher is open and available for all to use for prayer and meditation during the day.

Catholic Mass is celebrated on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and Monday through Friday at 12:05 p.m. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Fridays from 12:30-1:00 p.m. in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher.

For more information visit the Campus Ministry website.

Computer Labs

The computer labs in the Clark Library and Shiley Hall 208 are general-purpose computer labs available for use by students attending summer session. The Clark Library contains Windows computers and the Shiley 208 lab has both Windows and Mac computers. The Shiley 208 lab has specialized software for the engineering and computer science environment, plus Microsoft Office. The Clark Library lab has courseware for classes, as well as Microsoft Office. Both labs are equipped with black and white and color laser printers. Also available in the labs are scanners and copiers. Email is available to all students, faculty and staff. Wireless connections are available throughout campus.

There are twelve full-feature kiosk computers that provide quick-stop access to the internet and all online campus resources. They are located in St. Mary’s Student Center lounge, Franz Hall basement, and Shiley Hall first floor. Additionally, each residence hall has a cluster of kiosks available for use by residents and staff. Kiosks are available in the basements of Mehling, Kenna, Christie, Villa Maria, and Shipstad Halls; in Corrado Hall on the second floor, both wings; in Haggerty and Tyson Hall in the University Village lobby; in Lund Family Hall on the second floor, both wings; and on the third floor of Fields and Schoenfeldt hall.

Summer Session Computer Lab Hours

(excluding holidays)

Shiley 208 Lab:

Monday–Friday: 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Closed weekends.


Clark Library Lab:

Open during Library hours.


Student Printing

Each dorm is equipped with printers for student use. Students may also use personal printers by connecting directly via USB or wirelessly to their personal computers. No personal printers will be allowed on the UP network. In addition, students can utilize printers in the open computer labs located in Shiley Hall Room 208 and the Clark Library. Copiers are available in the Clark Library.  Students can use "Web Print" accessible at to print Word, Excel and PDF documents from laptops, tablets and iPads using the WiFi network.  For more information regarding student printing services please visit the Information Services website.

Food Services

Bon Appetit Management Company provides the University with all meal services. Bauccio Commons is a full-service dining facility. The Pilot House serves grab-and-go foods. Hours vary in the summer. See website at Meals may be bought with cash or by pre-purchasing dining points which are added to your student ID card. Dining points accounts may be established at any time throughout the year by any University of Portland student at the food service office in the Commons. Students are limited to adding up to $200.00 at a time. For more information please call: (503) 943-7330 or 1-800-227-4568, ext.7330. Pilot House hours are posted at the entrance; summer hours are limited.

Health and Counseling Centers

The University Health and Counseling services are made available to all Summer Session students to promote wellness and enhance quality of life at the University. The focus of care is on the individual student with a concern for overall growth and development in academic, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual domains.

Health Services: Advanced in-person and telehealth primary care services are available for most common health concerns on an appointment basis only. Referrals to other health care professionals are made as appropriate. Health promotion services offer challenges and opportunities for exploring lifestyle choices which impact health. Wellness counseling in the areas of nutrition, stress management, sexual health, infection prevention, and exercise are also available.

Counseling Services: A range of counseling services facilitates personal growth and development. Skillful professional counselors can assist you to make behavior changes, improve relationship skills, enhance coping effectiveness, improve decision-making, and facilitate growth and development at the University.

Group Health Insurance: You are not required to be enrolled in the University’s group health insurance plan in order to use the University’s Health and Counseling services. Insurance information and application forms are available on the Health Center website and the student accounts office.

Health & Counseling Center Summer Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Medical and counseling appointments are available on a limited basis over the summer. Please call during business hours for availability.

For additional information, or to make an appointment, contact the Health Center at (503) 943-7134. The Health Center is not an emergency or urgent care facility. In the event of a medical or mental health emergency, call Public Safety at (503) 943-4444 or call 911.

Moreau Center for Service and Justice

In partnership with local and global communities, the Moreau Center for Service and Justice engages critical human and environmental concerns through active learning, mutually beneficial service, and experience-based leadership development rooted in Catholic social teaching.

We strive to fulfill this mission by offering opportunities to:

  • Engage in service through one-time and on-going opportunities in the Portland Metro area.
  • Experience immersion locally, nationally, or internationally during academic breaks.
  • Explore leadership through student leadership opportunities in the Moreau Center's programs.

Additionally the office supports the Community Service Work Study program which provides students who are eligible for federal work study the opportunity to work with local non-profit organizations.

More information about the Moreau Center's programs can be found online at, or by phone at (503) 943-7132.

Recreation & Wellness

The Beauchamp Recreation & Wellness Center, is available to students, faculty & staff. Schedules for facility hours, fitness classes, the bike shop, and Outdoor Pursuits (OPP) is available on the Recreational Services website.
Recreational Services offers drop-in fitness, intramural sports leagues, outdoor trips, fitness classes, outdoor equipment rentals, and indoor rock climbing. The Beauchamp Center offers cardio equipment, 3 gyms, 3 fitness studios, a weight room, a running track, and locker rooms. The Louisiana Pacific Tennis Center has 3 indoor tennis courts and one outdoor court. Additional outdoor facilities include two outdoor basketball courts, two sand volleyball courts, three playing fields, one grass and two artificial turf. During the summer, there are no organized sports leagues. Balls, racquets, weight belts, towels, and lockers are available for checkout in the Beauchamp Center. Bikes and outdoor adventure equipment is available for rent in the OPP office. Recreational Services website: Telephone: (503) 943-8755.

University Bookstore

A wide variety of items and services are available at the Bookstore, located in the Pilot House. The Bookstore stocks new and used textbooks, as well as e-books and rental books. It is also the official distributor of UP gear, which includes sweatshirts, t-shirts, gifts and much more. All items can also be ordered online at Please visit us online at to view our summer hours.  Telephone number: (503) 943-7125. E-mail: