University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2025

Payments and Refunds

Payment of Fees

Payment of all fees and charges for Summer Session must be completed by May 12, 2025, or if registering later, at registration time. If you decide not to continue at the University, please cancel your registration, in writing, with the registrar’s office prior to the first class meeting. A summer payment plan will be available on May 1, 2025 for a flat fee of $60.00. When you register for a class, you incur charges and are responsible for payment of the charges for the class whether or not you attend. To have charges removed you must process a drop or withdrawal through the registrar’s office during the refund period.

Confirmation of Enrollment

Students must verify their attendance by submitting a Confirmation of Enrollment each semester. Beginning approximately two weeks before the semester begins, students can confirm their enrollment by logging onto PilotsUP.


Registration needs to be completed on or before the first day of class for those courses meeting for less than six weeks. Fee payments need to be completed on or before the published date. Late registration and/or payment is not possible. No refunds are issued for withdrawals after the first day of class.


Refunds are calculated from the date your application for refund is approved, not from the date attendance is discontinued. You need to process the appropriate course drop or withdrawal paperwork by the deadlines specified in order to be eligible for a refund.

Eight-Week Courses: Tuition refunds are given only during the initial two weeks of class. During the first week, you are eligible for a 100% refund; during the second week, 40%. 

Six-Week Courses: Tuition refunds are given only during the first seven weekdays after class begins. You are eligible for a 100% refund during the first four days after class begins, and for a 40% refund during the next three days.

Shorter Courses: After class begins, no refunds are given in courses of fewer than six weeks duration. You are eligible for a 100% refund for withdrawal before a class begins.