University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2025


We welcome you to life at the University during these special months. It is our intent to provide comfortable and affordable housing to effectively facilitate your studies. Another goal is to promote a sense of community as various groups of students come to live together while taking disparate course work. This sense of community can be best initiated and maintained when you are aware of and adhere to the rights and responsibilities of students as outlined in the Student Handbook. Please observe the rules and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook. We ask that special attention be given to the no-smoking policy in the residence halls and to the University Regulations and State of Oregon laws (listed in the Student Handbook) regarding the use of alcohol. Briefly, alcoholic beverages are not to be used outside of the resident rooms. No alcohol is permitted in lounges, hallways, restrooms, etc. As well, there should not be abusive drinking nor public intoxication in the hall at any time. All members of the University community — faculty, staff and students — must comply with these regulations and laws.

Residence Halls

Student housing is provided to registered students who are either attending summer session classes, working on campus during the summer, or otherwise approved by the Office of Residence Life.

Weekly rates quoted are based on one (1) person’s occupancy in either a standard single or double room. There are no meal plans during the summer. You may purchase points from Bon Appetit.

For weekly housing rates and estimated costs of attendance, see the Tuition and Fees and Cost of Attendance Expenses section of this bulletin.

Requesting Summer Housing

The online housing application is on the Residence Life website or at the following this link: Please keep in mind that housing assignments are made based upon when you submit the online application. Roommate requests are possible when both applicants request each other on the application. Single occupancy is limited, so please plan accordingly. Applications must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the desired move in date. Late applications will be processed as space is available.

Room Assignment and Housing Contract

Each person assigned to housing will have use of a single bed, a wardrobe, drawer space, a desk, and a chair. Each room has a sink. Students provide blankets and pillows.

In addition to wireless network access each resident will have a direct access Internet connection via Ethernet.  For assistance connecting to the Internet via ethernet cable, please contact the help desk ( or 503-943-7000.)

When an assignment has been made for you, an email will be sent to your UP account with the hall/room number and check-in information. If applicable, roommate contact information will also be included.

Housing charges will appear on the online billing statement from Student Accounts. If you have not received your billing statement, you can contact either office for information on your room charge. Full payments made through the office of Student Accounts is due one (1) week before your occupancy begins. Any items stored in the halls are your responsibility— any loss of or damage to personal property must be covered by your own insurance.

Check-in and Check-out

A spring semester student staying for summer session may request housing between the dates the halls close for spring and first summer session begins. Summer housing rates will apply. With this option, you will reside in your spring assignment until your summer assignment has been prepared. You will receive email instruction for check-in. Students checking in at a later date will receive email instructions as well. Students who request interim or summer housing and do not show up to check in may be subject to a fine. Please be advised that we direct ALL email correspondence to your UP account.

Check-out is no later than noon the day after classes end. Contact the hall staff to set up a check out appointment and return your key. If you do not have a fall housing assignment you must move out of your summer assignment by noon the day following the end of your classes. Summer session residents with a fall semester housing assignment can sign up for Interim Housing. Summer housing rates will apply.

Guests and Visitors During the Summer

Summer housing is limited with no campus accommodations for families, couples, children or pets. Summer Housing is available only to students enrolled in Summer Session, Summer Programs, and students working on campus. As outlined in Life on the Bluff, the student handbook, as a student at the University of Portland you are responsible for your guest on campus. Visiting children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at times and not left unattended.

More Information

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Residence Life at 503-943-7205 or email

Residence Life

University of Portland

Tyson Hall 123

5000 N. Willamette Blvd.

Portland, OR 97203-5798