University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2025

Registration Information

If you are a currently admitted University of Portland student, please contact one of the program counselors in your college/school.

If you are not a currently admitted University of Portland student you will need to complete a non-degree seeking application and a registration form. These forms are available on the Admissions web site. Please read the course descriptions to determine if the course(s) you wish to take require prerequisites. If prerequisites are required please document this course-work with a transcript or letter from the school where you completed the course.

You can register by contacting the Office of the Registrar by email beginning March 10, 2025.  You can still register on the first day of your Summer Session classes (or before) but generally not beyond the first day.

Please register early, as classes are closed when filled.

For additional registration information please contact the Office of the Registrar by email at

Admission Process for Students Not Currently Admitted to the University of Portland

Registration in Summer Session is not the same as admission to the fall and spring academic semesters. If you are seeking admission to one of the University’s degree-granting programs and wish further information, or if you have questions about specific programs, please call the Office of Admissions at (503) 943-7147, or toll free (800) 227-4568, ext. 7147.

Cancelling Registration

If you register for classes but decide not to attend them, you may cancel your registration prior to the start of the earliest course by notifying the registrar in writing. If classes have begun, please follow the withdrawal procedure noting all published deadlines for refunds and withdrawals (see the Summer Session Calendar). You can find information and forms for withdrawal on the Registrar's PilotsUP site. Please note that once classes have begun, you cannot cancel your registration without financial penalty.

For summer semester, financial aid awards will be locked at the enrollment level determined by combining credits from all summer sessions at the end of the 4th day of the first six-week session for undergraduate students, May 15, 2025, or the 4th day of the second six-week session for graduate students, June 26, 2025. All students are expected to complete the enrollment level for which their financial aid is disbursed.

Additional Information

Summer courses may be offered either in person or online.  Check the Summer schedule or contact the instructor of the course. 

All in-person courses and summer academic programming must meet the health and safety requirements established by county, state, and federal law and health-related agencies such as Oregon Health Authority and Center for Disease Control.

A course with insufficient enrollment is subject to cancellation. In such an event, you may enroll in a different course without additional cost or you may receive a refund. The University reserves the right to cancel courses where enrollment is inadequate, to close enrollment in courses which are filled, and to modify course offerings when necessary.