University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2025

Summer Course Information

Summer courses may be offered either in person or online. Check the Summer schedule or contact the instructor of the course.
All in-person courses and summer academic programming must meet the health and safety requirements established by county, state, and federal law and health-related agencies such as Oregon Health Authority and Center for Disease Control.
A course with insufficient enrollment is subject to cancellation. In such an event, you may enroll in a different course without additional cost or you may receive a refund.
The University reserves the right to cancel courses where enrollment is inadequate, to close enrollment in courses which are filled, and to modify course offerings when necessary.

Changes to Summer Course Offerings

Changes to the summer schedule may sometimes occur. You can find the most current information online. Check the online schedule or go to the Registrar's website and select the 'Dynamic Course Schedule' link near the bottom of the page. A course with insufficient enrollment is subject to cancellation. In such an event, you may enroll in a different course without additional cost or you may receive a refund. The University reserves the right to cancel courses where enrollment is inadequate, to close enrollment in courses which are filled, and to modify course offerings when necessary.

Course Numbering System

Course numbers found throughout this bulletin indicate the general academic level of the course:

  • 100/200 level courses are generally available to first-year students and sophomores;
  • 300/400 courses are available to juniors and seniors;
  • 500 level courses are available to graduate students.
  • 600 level courses are available to doctoral students.

A complete listing of courses, instructors, class times, and meeting places is provided on the online schedule.

Practicum, Thesis, Internship

Certain course offerings consist of guided inquiry by arrangement with faculty members. Forms required for such courses are available from the registrar’s office. In no case may you register for a directed study, practicum, thesis, or internship after June 26, 2025. For adding deadlines, please see the Summer Session Calendar.

College of Arts & Sciences Internships: Tuition for all summer internships taken for academic credit through the College of Arts & Sciences is $325 per credit hour.