University of Portland Summer Session Bulletin 2025

Summer Session at the University of Portland

The 2025 Summer Session is designed to extend the academic year experience at the University of Portland to both undergraduate and graduate students. More than 200 different courses are offered by the University’s five colleges on campus—the College of Arts and Sciences and the Schools of Business, Education, Engineering, and Nursing. The offerings include regular courses taught during the academic year, as well as innovative courses available only in the summer. Among the advantages in attending the University of Portland’s Summer Session are:

  • Personal Attention: From the time you register for summer session until your learning experience is completed, you will be assisted by University faculty and staff. Student services such as the University Health and Counseling Center and the Office of Residence Life remain open to help you during the summer session. In addition, major University facilities such as the Clark Library, computer labs, the bookstore, Bauccio Commons dining hall and the Pilot House maintain regular summer hours.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Summer Session features scheduling options of varying lengths. You may attend classes during a six-week or eight-week session, or a several-day seminar. Whether you have a weekend, six weeks, or all summer to be a student, there are options available to arrange a summer course schedule to meet your individual needs and interests.
  • Sequences: Summer Session is the ideal time to complete a missed course in your program, take a course (or courses) to reduce your academic year credit load, or to have time to focus on a particular course in your program.
  • First-Year Students: Summer is a great time to begin life at the University of Portland, if you are seeking fall admission to a degree program. Summer study before your first year will allow you to reduce the number of semester credit hours you take during your first year of study, while still maintaining a full-time student status. New students must be regularly admitted to the University for summer semester to be eligible for financial aid.
  • College of Arts & Sciences Internships: All summer internships through the College of Arts & Sciences are discounted to 1/3 of the already discounted regular summer session tuition. This means you can get academic credit and job experience for only $325 per credit hour.
  • A Dynamic Environment: The lush 165-acre University of Portland campus is located in one of the United States’ most beautiful cities. During the summer months, the lovely Rose City offers concerts, festivals, theater performances and other cultural events, which can provide diversion from your studies. The University is about eight miles from downtown Portland, an hour or so from Mt. Hood, and less than two hours’ drive to the rugged Oregon coast.

Summer courses may be offered either in person or online.  Check the Summer schedule or contact the instructor of the course. 

All in-person courses and summer academic programming must meet the health and safety requirements established by county, state, and federal law and health-related agencies such as Oregon Health Authority and Center for Disease Control.

A course with insufficient enrollment is subject to cancellation. In such an event, you may enroll in a different course without additional cost or you may receive a refund. The University reserves the right to cancel courses where enrollment is inadequate, to close enrollment in courses which are filled, and to modify course offerings when necessary.